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Nomad Studios - Nick Doidge - Bret Woodard Photography - DSC_3730-Enhanced-NR.jpg
Polished Sheen

So your track is recorded and mixed, now what?

How do you get it ready for production or streaming? 

Surgical equalization and compression, stereo width, saturation, depth, and competitive loudness to industry standards. All of which gets your track ready for production to physical mediums (CD, tape, vinyl) and streaming.

(Mixed & Mastered)
JAZZ - H-Owl Project_If I Were A Bell
00:00 / 04:38
HIP HOP - M.E.R.C._Knockout
00:00 / 04:26
CLASSICAL - Mozart_Piano Concerto No 12_Sample_1
00:00 / 04:29
COUNTRY - AC_Dead Roses
00:00 / 04:01
METAL - TBS_Error 404
00:00 / 04:41
FOLK - LM_The Hardest Part
00:00 / 04:52
INDIE - RS_Let the Music Fade Away
00:00 / 03:46
INDI-POP - SS_Kaathaadi
00:00 / 04:45
LATIN - PC_ El Marinero
00:00 / 03:04
  • High end converters

  • High end room calibration

  • Both Mid-field and Near-field monitors

  • Pro Tools Ultimate 

  • Outboard gear

  • Numerous plugins

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